تحديث هام (6#) فى NFPA 13 إصدار 2025 خاص بال Supplemental Sprinklers
Supplemental Sprinklers:
Supplemental sprinkler is a sprinkler that is installed below an obstruction.
Design Approaches:
Supplemental sprinklers under the obstruction shall not be required to be included in the hydraulic calculation of the ceiling sprinklers.
Where the piping to sprinklers under obstructions follows the same sizing pattern as the branch lines, no additional hydraulic calculations shall be required for sprinklers under obstructions.
Where the above requirements are not met, a level of supplemental sprinklers shall be calculated to verify pipe sizes.
(A) The number of supplemental sprinklers shall include up to a maximum of four adjacent sprinklers attached to a branch line.
(B) For density/area applications, the area of coverage of each sprinkler shall only include the footprint of the obstruction it is protecting.
(C) For density/area applications, the design criteria shall be in accordance with Section 19.5.
(D) For CMSA and ESFR sprinklers, the discharge pressure shall be in accordance with 20.16.4.
(E) The level of supplemental sprinklers shall not be required to be balanced with the overhead system.
Supplemental sprinklers shall be quick response, or have a fast-response thermal element, having a nominal ordinary temperature rating unless otherwise required by 7.2.4 or
Unless the following requirements are met, supplemental sprinklers shall have the same K-factor value, orientation, and coverage type characteristics as the ceiling sprinklers.
Supplemental sprinklers shall be permitted to have different K-factor value, orientation, and coverage-type characteristics than those of ceiling sprinklers when the requirements of section 19.5 are met.
Supplemental sprinklers shall be equipped with a water shield or otherwise shielded from the discharge of over head sprinklers where they are installed for any of the following conditions:
(1) Under non-flat obstructions
(2) Under non-solid obstructions
(3) Beyond the outer edges of the obstructions
(4) Under open grating
Supplemental sprinklers shall be positioned below obstructions in accordance with one of the following:
(1) Installed below the obstruction
(2) Installed adjacent to the obstruction not more than 3 in. (75mm) from the outside edge of the obstruction.
For CMDA sprinklers:
Supplemental sprinklers shall be installed below fixed obstructions, including open grate flooring, over 4 ft (1.2 m) in width.
Supplemental sprinklers shall be permitted to be spaced in accordance with unobstructed construction requirements for the hazards they protect.
For ESFR and CMSA sprinklers:
For spacing and other requirements of the supplemental sprinklers, refer to section
Reference: NFPA 13, 2025